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Wallin, Franklin W., 1925-2006 (President)



Franklin W. Wallin served as president at Earlham from 1974 to 1983.

Wallin, a native of Michigan, attended the University of Wisconsin as an undergraduate and received his doctorate from Berkeley, specializing in French history. Prior to Earlham he served as dean, provost and acting president at Colgate University, and also had taught at Wayne State University. He was a convinced Friend and served on the board of the Detroit Friends School while teaching at Wayne State. Wallin also was president of the Institute for World Order, now known as the World Policy Institute, for a year before accepting the position at Earlham. Well respected by Earlham administrators, he devoted much effort to financial issues and led Earlham through some challenging years.

Although a Quaker, he was the first Earlham president to be a military veteran, having served in the navy in World War II.