Box 25
Contains 21 Results:
Elizabeth H. Jackson Collection
Elizabeth H. Jackson (1813-1901) was a Hicksite Friend born in Darby, Pennsylvania, the daughter of Halliday Jackson (1771-1835), a prominent Quaker minister. In 1840 she married Thomas C. Bell, and spent the rest of her life in New York. This collection consists of a copybook she made while a student at Westtown School. Purchase, 2008.
Luther D. Leibold Collection
Luther Daniel Leibold (1877-1957) was a farmer who lived near Williamsburg, Wayne County, Indiana. This small collection consists of an account book, probably done as a school exercise in 1894, and the patent papers for an invention in 1922 with related correspondence. Purchase, 2008.
Miriam A. Maxwell Collection
Miriam A. Maxwell was born in Richmond, Indiana, in 1869, the daughter of John M. and Mary Ann (Moore) Maxwell. In 1898, she married William W. Ives, a dry goods merchant in Delphi, Indiana, and Shawnee, Oklahoma. The collection consists of calling cards, invitations, wedding announcements, and two long letters about social life in Richmond. Purchase and gift, 2009.
Medieval Manuscripts Collection
This small collection consists of leaves of illuminated manuscripts from the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries.
John Simcock Collection
Letter from John Simcock to Margaret Fell Fox.
Eli and Anna (Moffitt) Stubbs Letters
Anna Ward Collection
Anna Ward (1857-1942), daughter of James and Ellen (Barnett) Ward, was a lifelong resident of Richmond, Indiana. This collection consists of a notebook in which she recorded information about family and neighbors, including dozens of dates of death for Richmond residents from the 1850s into the 1930s. Also included are a few household accounts and clippings concerning Richmond physicians. Purchase, 2008.
Warder Family Papers
This small collection consists of letter of the family of Jeremiah Warder (1780-1849), his wife Ann (Aston) Warder (1786-1871), their son Dr. John A. Warder (1811-1883) and his wife Elizabeth Bowne (Haines) Wader (1817-1891), Orthodox Friends who lived in Springfield and Cincinnati, Ohio. Some of the letters are from Elizabeth’s parents, Reuben and Jane (Bowne) Haines of Germantown, Pen. Purchase, 2008, 2009.
Margaret Dorland Webb Collection
Margaret (Dorland) Webb (1882-1967) was a native of Ontario, Canada, and the wife of John R. Webb, the pastor of East Main Street Friends Meeting in Richmond, Ind., 1917-1919, and an official of the Five Years Meeting of Friends. The collection consists of the transcript of a hearing on Margaret Webb’s application for U.S. citizenship, rejected because of her adherence to the Quaker Peace Testimony.
Amy Coates Copybook
The author of this copybook, Amy Coates, was apparently a Philadelphia Quaker, but she has not been definitely identified. The copybook appears to date from the 1830s and contains poetry concerning Job Scott, the dying testimony of James Nayler, and passages from the writings of R. Archer and Henry Wotton. Purchase, 2008.