Drawer 15
Contains 45 Results:
Records: Cherry Grove Monthly Meeting
Cherry Grove Monthly Meeting (Randolph County, Ind.): Women's minutes, 1852-1879; Minutes of ministers and elders, 1870-1892; Minutes, 1879-1895; Joint minutes, 1884-1899; Minutes, 1867-1885; Joint minutes, 1891-1895, 1896-1898, 1896-1908, 1898-1904, 1904-1915.
Records: Cherry Grove, Chester Monthly Meetings
Cherry Grove Monthly Meeting (Randolph County, Ind.): Joint minutes, 1904-1915; Business minutes, 1908-1942; Business session, 1915-1917 Chester Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Men's minutes, 1823-1828, 1845-1867, 1864-1866, 1868-1881; Women's minutes 1835-1864, 1855-1866.
Records: Chester, Dover Monthly Meetings
Chester Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Women's minutes, 1865-1872; Women's and Mens minutes, 1872-1903; Minutes, 1903-1919; Births and deaths, 1903-1919, book A, book B, book C; Marriages, 1823-1890; Certificates, 1823-1905; Book tract committee, 1857-1862 Dover Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Men's minutes, 1836-1848, 1848-1859.
Records: Dover Monthly Meeting
Dover Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Men's minutes and joint minutes, 1860-1883; Women's minutes, 1858-1878; Joint minutes, 1883-1902, 1902-1936; Certificate record, 1837-1863; Certificates of removal, 1863-1893; Marriage records, 1837-1860; Birth record, book A.
Records: Dover, Dublin, Duck Creek Monthly Meetings
Dover Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Death records, book A; Birth and death, book B; Book and tract committee, 1850-1891; Ministers and elders, 1898-1917 Dublin Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Women's minutes, 1888-1892; Men's minutes, 1888-1923; Ministry and oversight, 1918-1966 Duck Creek Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Men's minutes, 1826-1834, 1834-1851.
Records: Duck Creek Monthly Meeting
Duck Creek Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Men's minutes, 1852-1875, 1875-1884; Women's minutes, 1846-1860, 1826-1846; Minutes, 1884-1890, 1890-1910.
Records: Duck Creek, Dunreith, Economy, and Elk Monthly Meetings
Duck Creek Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Minutes, 1910-1928; Birth, death and marriage, 1793-1870; Birth and death records, 1826-1870 Dunreith Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Minutes, 1898-1903 Economy Monthly Meeting (Wayne County, Ind.): Minutes, 1911-1973 West Elkton Monthly Meeting (Preble County, Ohio): Men's minutes, 1809-1823, 1823-1831.
Records: Hopewell Monthly Meeting
Hopewell Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Men's minutes, 1841-1858, 1859-1887, 1887-1919; Women's minutes, 1841-1870, 1871-1893.
Records: Hopewell, Kerr City, Knightstown Monthly Meetings
Hopewell Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Women's minutes, 1871-1893; Birth and death book 1, book 2 (1878), book 3; Certificates, 1841-1913; Marriages, 1842-1908; Membership record, 2 vols Kerr City Monthly Meeting (Marion County, Fla.): Minutes, 1886-1892 Knightstown Monthly Meeting (Henry County, Ind.): Minutes, 1900-1908, 1908-1924.
Records: Muncie, New Castle Monthly Meetings
Friends Memorial Church (Muncie, Ind.): Minutes, 1900-1901, 1902-1920; Minutes, business minutes, early history, 1913-1925; Minutes, 1913-1925; Membership records, 4 vols. New Castle Monthly Meeting (New Castle, Ind.): Membership records, 1881-1886