Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 35
Albert E. Ferris Papers
This collection of diaries, correspondence, clippings, and other materials documents Ferris' life and life in Wayne County, Indiana in the period.
Baxter-Sutton Collection
Correspondence, business records, deeds, and photographs documenting the Baxter and Sutton families, primarily 1855-1910.
Bell Family Papers
Brumfield Family Papers
Receipts, correspondence, legal and financial papers from the Brumfield-Smith families in Wayne County Indiana and in Jasper County Iowa.
Carpenter-Wright Family Papers
Charles Family Papers
The Charles Family Papers consists of extensive correspondence of Arthur M. Charles (1873-1974), long-time Earlham College faculty member and clerk of Indiana Yearly Meeting, his wife Carrie Lane (Riggs) Charles (1872-1968), and their daughter Mary Lane Charles, class of 1927.
Charles H. Coffin Collection
The Coffin Collection consists of genealogical material on the Coffin, Hiatt, Johnson, and related families and reminiscent material by Charles H. Coffin.
Clarkson Parker Collection
The Clarkson Parker collection includes correspondence, diaries, business papers, and the photographs of the Parker family and of the families of Clarkson Parker's two wives: M. Josephine Macy and Laura White. There are also papers relating to John M. Macy (1806-1887) of Henry County, IN.
Doan Family Papers
The Doan Family Papers consist of correspondence, clippings, and reminiscent material of the family of Abel and Phebe (Lindley) Doan of Westfield, Indiana. It is rich in material relating to Earlham College and to Quaker life and activities in the first half of the twentieth century.
Edith Jones Batton Collection
The collection consists of papers from the Jones and Batton families
Filter Results
Additional filters:
- Subject
- Quakers -- Genealogy 18
- Quakers -- Indiana 15
- Quakers 13
- Diaries 10
- Photographs 10
- Clippings (Books, newspapers, etc.) 6
- Society of Friends 5
- Society of Friends -- History 5
- Antislavery Movements 4
- Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends (Orthodox : 1828- ) 4
- Quakers -- Indiana -- History 4
- Quakers -- North Carolina 4
- Society of Friends -- Doctrines 4
- Travel 4
- Drafts of Writings 3
- Freedmen 3
- Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends (Hicksite : 1828-1975) 3
- Quaker missionaries 3
- Account Books 2
- Earlham College -- Students 2
- Earlham College -- Students -- Papers 2
- Indiana Yearly Meeting (Society of Friends : 1821-1828) 2
- Property 2
- Quaker businesspeople 2
- Quakers -- Education 2
- Society of Friends -- Education 2
- Society of Friends -- Missions 2
- Wayne County (Ind.) 2
- Whitewater Monthly Meeting (Society of Friends : Richmond, Ind.) 2
- Wills 2
- Agriculture 1
- American Art and Artists 1
- Boarding Schools 1
- Capital Punishment 1
- Central America 1
- Children's literature. 1
- Civilian Public Service 1
- Cuba 1
- Five Years Meeting (Society of Friends : U.S.) 1
- France 1
- Friends Reconstruction Unit 1
- Friends United Meeting (U.S.) 1
- Friends World Committee for Consultation 1
- Gold Mines and Mining 1
- Indiana 1
- Indiana -- History 1
- Indiana -- Politics and Government 1
- Kenya 1
- Migration, internal 1
- Palestine 1
- Poetry 1
- Printing 1
- Publications 1
- Quaker Abolitionists 1
- Quaker Women 1
- Quaker Women Missionaries 1
- Quakers -- Ohio 1
- Richmond (Ind) 1
- Richmond Art Museum (Richmond, Ind.) 1
- Scrapbooks 1
- Sermons 1
- Underground Press Publications 1
- United States -- History 1
- United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865. 1
- Universities and colleges 1
- Women 1
- Women -- History 1
- World Council of Churches 1 ∧ less
- Language
- Arabic 1
- Spanish; Castilian 1
- Swahili 1
- Names
- Earlham College 8
- Bean, Joel, 1825-1914 2
- Nicholson, Timothy, 1828-1924 2
- White, Francis Toms, 1833-1907 2
- White, Mordecai Morris, 1830-1913 2
- Brumfield, Solomon (Donor) 1
- Charles, Arthur M. (Donor) 1
- Coffin, Charles F. (Charles Fisher), 1823-1916 1
- Coffin, Charles H. 1
- Coffin, Levi, 1798-1877 1
- Cooper, Wilmer A., 1920-2008 (Dean of ESR) 1
- Doan, John Lindley 1
- Earlham School of Religion (ESR) 1
- Friends United Meeting (FUM) 1
- Heiss, Virginia (Reichenbach), 1924-2004 (Donor) 1
- Huf, Sophia (Bogue), 1866-1931 1
- Huff, Emily Jane (Nixon) 1
- Huff, Oliver Nixon, 1852-1937 1
- Jay, Allen, 1831-1910 (Alum, Administrator) 1
- Jay, Eli, 1826-1911 1
- Jay, Mahalah (Pearson) (1827-1916) 1
- Kenworthy, Leonard Stout, 1912-1991 1
- Lindley, Harlow, b. 1874 1
- Nicholson, William, 1827-1898 1
- Nixon, Rhoda 1
- Nixon, Samuel, 1781-1865 1
- Russell, Elbert, 1871-1951 (Religion) 1
- Warner, Elta F. 1
- Warner, Simeon 1
- White, Esther Griffin, 1867-1954 1
- White, John Toms, 1801-1879 1
- Winder, John 1 ∧ less